Content Mastery is applicable to all courses that ask students to read, comprehend, and internalize the material provided. The material can focus on empirical knowledge (e.g. a science textbook) or on concepts and arguments (e.g. a theoretical text), or on a mixture of the two. In other words, the content mastery AI will help students understand texts in subjects as diverse as:

The procedure is remarkably simple.

  1. Step: Identify the relevant content for one particular study unit.

Lectures, articles, book chapters, presentations: they all can be used to automate content creation. Is your class or seminar focused on a key text? Or are you for example teaching one of the following topics? - The rise of Adolf Hitler during World War II (History) - The importance of photosynthesis in nature (Biology) - Politics of Germany (Politics) - The importance of artificial intelligence in education (Tech) - ...

<aside> đź’ˇ It is important to ensure that any given information spans at least five pages. To avoid confusion, refrain from selecting content that mixes various topics. For instance, if a book contains a case study in one chapter and theory in the others, make sure to separate the two sections since the context differs.


  1. Step: Create a new topic and choose “Content Mastery”

  2. Step: Upload a pdf or copy all relevant content

We recommend using the shortcut “Ctrl+C” & “Ctrl+V”. You can feed up to 15 pages to Brian. Make sure to exclude any irrelevant or confusing information.

📷 Use pdf’s and not just simply photos. Smallpdf offers a free service to convert your photos into .pdf with ease. Upload your photos to the website here to transform them into a .pdf before uploading it to Brian.

ℹ️  If you have a document that includes roman numerals and a table of contents, then use the actual page number and not the printed page number. With Adobe, this means that you must always enter the page number in brackets. (4).gif

<aside> đź“Ł Want to use a video instead of text? Try the free and open-source tool "Vibe" (link here) to convert recordings into text. After transcribing, simply copy and paste the text.


  1. Step: Review

Sit back and relax. Depending on the amount of content you fed to Brian, this can take up to 10+ minutes. Once it’s done, make sure to review the content.


Here’s a short, real-life example.